Anfield Road Stand - Brodies Sports Bar
Hospitality match ticket in Level 1 of the Upper Tier of the Anfield Road Stand Padded Seats in Blocks from AM1 to AM8, rows 5-13 Dedicated access from Brodies Sports Bar to your seats Access to lounge 2.5 hours pre & 1hr post match Varied selection of complimentary street food (served up to kick-off) Complimentary half-time drink (beer, wine or soft drink) Complimentary Match Programme Liverpool FC legend in attendance at every match day Pre-Match Entertainment and in-lounge betting facilities Pre and post match cashless bar E-Tickets supplied days in advance Seats allocated together No dress code, no away colours Tickets located in Home supporters areas. Any guests seen to be openly supporting the opposition are liable to be refused entry or ejected from the stadium without compensation